Power of Retreat: Sounding & Grounding for Emotional Resilience & Inner Peace
Join CWUW for a healing yoga and sound bath experience for inner peace, emotional resilience and restoration.
**This Sounding & Grounded Session is a part of the Power of Retreat program for women and their families who are experiencing the impacts of trauma due to violence.**
Facilitators will lead you through a soothing yin yoga and sound bath experience, with guided meditation and affirmations, to cultivate resilience and calm to carry you through the rest of your week.
Suggested props to bring for your practice: comfortable clothing, yoga mat, blocks, bolsters or pillows or other props for comfort & relaxation, light blanket or wrap.
Sound Healing: The practice of using different sounds to improve your physical health and emotional wellbeing. Music in all forms including voice, crystal or singing bowls. May also experience vibrations applied to the body using a tool such as a tuning fork.
Meditation: Intentional focus inward to invoke or increase feelings of calmness, concentration & emotional balance. Ancient focus on spiritual growth and transcending emotions to be in a calm and present state of being.
Yin Yoga: Yin yoga targets your deep connective tissues, fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones. It’s slower and more meditative, with longer, gentle holds, giving you space to turn inward, tune into both your mind and the physical sensations of your body.
Location: Flanner House of Indianapolis (Pioneer Room
Date: March 15th 6:30pm
CLICK HERE to register!